Friday, 29 November 2019


This is a beta release and should not be used for production work; it is only intended for those interested in a preview of new features and to help us get wider testing. I have some great news to report. Numerous bug fixes and improvements, particularly in the area DeviceN spot color handling and the PDF interpreter. Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd has released epstool 3. Moving forward, we'd also like to resolve the effective fork with "ESP Ghostscript," so that our development tree is suitable directly for use in Linux distributions without a lot of extra patches. This adds and removes previews from Encapsulated PostScript files. ghostgum ghostview ver. 4.7

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I have some great news to report.

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Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd has released epstool 3. This is a maintenance release in the stable 8. In addition to numerous bug fixes, conformance with published test suites is much improved in this release.

This adds and removes previews from Encapsulated PostScript files. We recommend upgrading for all our users.

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The main features included in 8. We believe this to be a candidate for release quality; we expect to follow ghpstview shortly with the first stable release.

This is a maintenance release in the new stable series. A Beta version level 2 Postscript output device, ps2write, which generates high-level PostScript including text and images and graphics.

It contains numerous bug fixes and improvements, particularly in ghosrgum area of PDF 1. It would be very nice if all the GPL patches could be incorporated into the main tree without any license restrictions which means that we need copyright assignmentbut realistically, we'll still have to implement an apartheid system of some kind, so that a GPL-only subdirectory exists that gets deleted out of our commercial releases.

This is the latest in evr. stable 8.

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Ghostscript leading edge is now GPL! Moving ghostvum, we'd also like to resolve the effective fork with "ESP Ghostscript," so that our development tree is suitable directly for use in Linux distributions without a lot of extra patches.

ghostgum ghostview ver. 4.7

This is the fourth testing release of our development tree toward the 8. Earlier programs were quite successful, but since the 8. We recommend upgrading to all our free users. Please give it a try and let us know how it works with your system.

By hgostview to the GPL, we're reaffirming our commitment to the free software world. This is a beta release and should not be used for production work; it is only intended for those interested in a preview of new features and to help us get wider testing. More than a year in the making, this is our most comprehensive version to date.

ghostgum ghostview ver. 4.7

One big reason for this decision was to reduce the lead time between bugs being fixed in the ghosthum tree and users seeing the fixes, especially those users dependent on Linux distributions. Numerous bug fixes and improvements, particularly in the area DeviceN spot ghowtview handling and the PDF interpreter. So if you're a coder, here's your chance for a little extra cash. Posted 7 Jun by raph I have some great news to report. The leading edge of Ghostscript development is now under GPL license, as is the latest release, Ghostscript 8.

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