Wednesday, 27 November 2019


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. MPB , samba , rock , soul , funk. Archived from the original on November 3, Retrieved October 1, Belford Roxo, Rio de Janeiro , Brazil. He has also performed in at the Bluesfest in Ottawa, Ontario [7] and performed at the Harbourfront in Toronto, Ontario. He is considered by many a renewer of Brazilian pop samba. seu cuca discografia

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Seu Jorge has gained exposure through his work as an actor and soundtrack composer. Retrieved March 28, This page was last edited on 27 Septemberat From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. His musical work has received praise from many duscografia his fellow musicians including Beck and David Bowie. Farofa CariocaDavid Bowie.

seu cuca discografia

In other projects Wikimedia Commons. On August 12,Seu Jorge performed in the Summer Olympics closing ceremony in London during the Handover section of the ceremony which was an eight-minute segment that introduced Rio to the world.

seu cuca discografia

MPBsambarocksoulfunk. He is considered by many a renewer of Brazilian pop samba.

Só Você - Seu Cuca

As a singer, Seu Jorge was part of the band Farofa Cariocawriting most disxografia the songs of their debut album Moro no Brasil. Seu Jorge cites samba schools and American soul singer Stevie Wonder as major musical influences. On January 10,Seu Jorge appeared as a headline act as part of the Sydney Festivalplaying a free, live show in The Domain with a capacity of up to 60, people.

seu cuca discografia

It was released discoggrafia Brazil under the name Carolina in Retrieved October 1, His second album, the critically acclaimed Cru "Raw"was released in By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Views Read Edit View history. Retrieved from " https: He currently lives discpgrafia his wife and children in Los Angeles. Jorge's performances are known for their excitement as well as for getting the crowd moving.

Seu Jorge - Wikipedia

Retrieved May 24, Archived from the original on November 3, When he was 19, he became homeless and remained homeless for three years; nonetheless, his musical talent flourished when he was living in the streets and he became known in the favelas. Inhe collaborated with American fashion designer Rachel Riscografia on a line of sportswear, footwear, jewelry and handbags. Some Kind of Awesome. Belford Roxo, Rio de JaneiroBrazil. Inhe collaborated with Beck on the Mario C. He has also performed in at the Bluesfest in Ottawa, Ontario [7] and performed at the Harbourfront in Toronto, Ontario.

On September 8, he performed after lighting the cauldron in the Summer Paralympics opening ceremony in Rio de Janeiro. The album has been described as "how powerful Brazilian soul music can be. Examining the Career of Seu Jorge".

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