Thursday, 28 November 2019


Foi escrito e gravado em dois anos, quatro estados e oito cidades, ao longo das viagens feitas em seu trabalho como jornalista. Chatuba do agroboy It will make you want to go travel. Ivan Zoloto go to album. Esses Patifes by Ruspo. If you like Ruspo, you may also like:

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He adds to patife melancholy of his subject matter through slightly out-of-tune vocal doubling. More information on the album can be found at Um Distante Maestro Records.

This song is an absolute banger j4jakku. If you like Ruspo, you may also like: Ruspo is the musical project of brazilian producer, songwriter and singer Ruy Sposati.

Follow Sounds and Colours: Chatuba do agroboy The combination of an indie aesthetic with the geographic specificity produces a lovely album that parallels similar place-centered efforts by indie artists such as Sufjan Stevens while also drawing from the newer tendencies in Brazilian popular music. The 14 tracks on the album were crafted on the road, in hotels, indian villages, temporary houses and rooms, a borrowed computer, with real and software instruments, along with samples and loops.

Esses Patifes | Ruspo

That kind of eclecticism is characteristic of most of the album. Foi escrito e gravado em dois anos, quatro estados e oito cidades, ao longo das viagens feitas em seu trabalho como jornalista. Or browse results titled:. Muted trumpets and clarinets often express the sad beauty at the heart of many of these songs even when the lyrics express bitter critiques. Purchasable with gift card. Hino do Macieira Tags world bossa nova brazilian music dreampop electronic freak folk indie indie pop lo-fi samba trip-hop world music Brazil.

Ruspo: Esses Patifes - Lançamento virtual do álbum

The result is an album that should appeal to Brazilophiles and adventurous fans of lo-fi indie music alike. So good it breaks my heart! The result is often effective at evincing a sad and introspective beauty from his lyrics even as they veer into vulgarity and anger. It was written and recorded in two years, four states and rkspo cities during his travels through Brazil as a working journalist. Esses Patifes is available for free download from goo.

Ruspo – Esses Patifes

It will make you want to go travel. Ivan Zoloto go to album. Yazz Ahmed guests and we feature "The Music of" tribute to French musical legends.

Streaming and Download help. If you like Ruspo, you may also like:. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app. The Arches The Arches always appreciate lo-fi music and this is a special example of it.

Esses Patifes by Ruspo. The song also features excursions to flute solos, saxophones, string patches, and even the berimbau.

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