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Cause of disease 2.

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Manner of movement 7. What fires produce 5.

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Moss, fungus, algae 1. Subject of teaching 3. Parts of clothing 5.

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Amw of a plant 1. Working with minerals 6. Tend herds in fields 6. Connected with, related 9. Aim at a target 7. Period of time 8. Move in a direction 7. Growth of plants 1. Tense and aspect 9.

Break the law 4. Working with water 6. Name of a person 9. Symptom of disease 2.

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Care for the fingernails 5. Animal life cycle 1.

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Male and female animals 1. Working with buildings 6. Run Query Reset Output Format: Standard Word list Domain Search None. Unemployed, not working 6. Work and occupation 6. Part of speech 9.

Attribution of an attribute 9. Working with cloth 6. Made amaa hand 6.

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Court of law 4. Person in authority 4. Hunt and fish 6. Move toward something 7. Clothes for special occasions 5.

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