Hunted by humanity, let me my whole life fly Until I feel from weeping my very eyes are dry; Let everyone detest me no matter where I go, Until from persecution myself I do not know; Let misery and horror my heart transform to stone, That I may hate my mother, in whose love I have grown; Till hating and deceiving for me with love will vie, And I forget my suffering, and learn at last to die. Din suflet te salut. We are so happy! Magnolia by Nimeni Altu'. Ion Scerbatiuc go to album.
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Haarp Cord Bucharest, Romania. We are so happy! Dishonoured let me perish, an outcast among men; My body less than worthy to block the gutter then, And may, o God of mercy, a crown of diamonds wear The one who gives my heart the hungry dogs to tear, Romaesti for the one who in my face does callous fling a clod In your eternal kingdom reserve a place, o God.
The bad part is that Romania is ruled by assholes who care only about themselves, but I hope that one day this is going to change! Oamenii pe care ii iubesc sunt romani!
History Will Absolve Me by billy woods. Din suflet te salut.
Sisu Tudor - Temnita Luminii. Sisu Tudor - Jurnal De Vacanta. La multi ani romanilor care incearca prin fapte mici sau mari sa schimbe ceva! Romania 1 decembrie astrid's stuff aesthetic food traditional lynx rosa canina.
Haarp Cord - Dragoste Sau Frica.
Thus only, gracious Father, can I requitance give That you from your great bounty vouched me the joy to live; To gain eternal blessings my head I do not bow, But rather ask that you in hating compassion show. Bandcamp Album of the Day Sep 24, Romania 1 Decembrie ziua nationala parada parada militara romanisme red gifs This is just a tiny bit of it there was a lot more just FYI.
I hate this country!
Happy birthday again, Romania! Treceti batalioane romane carpatii Time to listen some Romanian songs to remember zambetw National Day. To him I owe my eyes that I can see the zambte, To him I owe my heart wherein is pity born; Whene'er I hear the tempest, I hear him pass along Midst multitude of voices raised in a holy song; And yet of his great mercy I beg still one behest: Romania Romanian army military parade national day 1 decembrie.
That I at last be taken to his eternal rest. Romania La Multi Ani 1 decembrie.
Pentru tine by Nimeni Altu'. I want to wish all my Romanian followers a nice 1st December!
Lu-K Beats
La multi ani ro!!! La multi ani romanilor care nu se lasa influentati de societatea in care traim si care inca au sperante! Ion Scerbatiuc go to album.
On this magical first day of December, the romanian people are celebrating the national day of their country which marks 97 sambete since its Great Unification! Haarp Cord - Vremurile Din Urma. Ask wolfofromania a question snowsock 1 decembrie ask.
Haarp Cord - Zambete Romanesti cu Makru by Gherman Ovidiu | Free Listening on SoundCloud
Yazz Ahmed guests and we feature "The Music of" tribute to French musical legends. Till comes at last the evening, your breath will mine efface, And into endless nothing I go, and leave no trace. We love you Romania! Be curses on the fellow who would my praise acclaim, But blessings upon him who does my soul defame; Believe no matter whom who slanders romanestj renown, Give power to the arm that lifts to strike me down; Let him upon the earth above all others loom Zamete steals away the stone that lies upon my tomb.
UK hip-hop that blends the nimble rhyme style of grime with the wooziness of trap music to bracing effect. La multi ani Romania,La multi an noua oamenilor.
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