Sunday, 8 December 2019


Also, the enemy player B kills will have their last team killer forgotten. Cambridge win the Boat Race. Basic knowledge about how to use Procon and ProconRulz is required. Download updated to version 39d. All kills by mortar, MAV, tanks, choppers, humvee are just weapon 'Death'. proconrulz

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If you have downloaded the Procon Client and have rebooted the Procon in the web interface, you can open it and connect to the server using the data in the Web Interface on the Procon Layer proconrupz.

Max 2 Snipers allowed say. For example, when a player enters the game he is greeted in the chat, or when he makes a knife kill and it appears in the chat.


Basic Mapzone Pgoconrulz Provides some very basic tags for base protections with map zones. On the first kill with the forbidden weapon here: Rulz for many example requirements are given at the end of this thread If you are new to ProconRulz, and look at the documentation, the fact that ProconRulz is now capable of enabling you to write sets of rulz that behave as kill-streak announcers or in-game admin or rude-word-res-ponders will appear scary at first, so don't forget ProconRulz was designed from the beginning to allow simple rulz to implement weapon limits, so it's easy to start with a single rule Example: This means no plugin can detect RPG's used on infantry as opposed to tanks.

ProconRulz, brauche - Forums - Battlelog / Battlefield 3

You can still set for whom the rules prodonrulz not apply. It is possible a map name could include non-english characters, e. I suspect this means a player that mortars himself i. Rulz for many example requirements are given at the end of this thread If you are new to ProconRulz, and look at the documentation, the fact that ProconRulz is now capable of enabling you to write sets of rulz that behave proconnrulz killstreak announcers or in-game admin or rude-word-responders will appear scary at first, so don't forget ProconRulz was designed from the beginning to allow simplerulz to implement weapon limits, so it's easy to start with a single rule e.

NEW feature in V44 is the 'Rulz.


The Teamsize condition in these rulz makes vehicle kills suicidal if the smallest team is 4 or smaller. Hello guys, With this Spambot, you can set messages for each mapmode you prefer.

No Shotguns - No Claymore say. If you don't want your On Suicide rulz triggered by automatic 'Kill' proconruulz in other rulz, the simplest method is to use rulz with "On Suicide;Not Weapon Death; The most important feature is probably the prohibition of the use of weapons and chat commands during a particular action.

Micovery's Insane Limiter plugin provides more comprehensive support for this capability by also checking BattleLog stats and can be used in addition to ProconRulz. You can run the rulz in test priconrulz by deleting the "Kick kicked by vote;" action in the second-to-last line - then there will be priconrulz actual kick, only the "bambam kicked by vote" Yell message If you post the new mapnames here I'll update this list.

- Projects

On a balanced server this means vehicle kills will be suicidal until 10 players total are in-game If a player A team kills player B twice in a row, it automatically kills player A. You will need to utilize the PRoConRulz plugin first in order to use these rules.

No BF3 admin tool can do this at spawn time. Germany and country 'key' e.

Procon Rulz for Battlefield 4

Read the BF3 limitations above, especially 2. This thread should be reserved for discussing these rules and modifications of these rules. Both show the killer killing the victim with a rocket.


Minor bugfix v37g3 fixes minor PBBan message error. You have been banned 30 minutes for using forbidden weapons. On an infantry-only server, you can use a Weapon Death condition to block mortars because you are not worried about vehicle kills being affected by the same rule.

Proconrulz Presets

Right now you probably have no idea what this rule does or how it works, but when you've installed ProconRulz and tried a few proconrluz rulz you'll get the idea, so congratulations More resources from Martian. You can also use Protected statement to consider players stored in the reservedSlots list.

If someone is team killed, it informs the killer that they should watch their fire. Both show the killer killing the victim with a rocket. Count and limit chinaman to

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